Out of the Mirror and Through a Window
Dear Constant Readers,
We see people so often we take them for granted and forget they are there, and that they don't see things the same way we do, sort of in the way perhaps we see our pets and forget they aren't actually human, but another species entirely. We just grow so accustomed to what's around us we fail to see the wood for the trees.
There was a wonderful and beautiful quote I read from an author I don't particularly like. I'm paraphrasing, but it goes something like this: How do you know what is happening to you is bad? I guess this mostly applies when people are having bad days, but the point remains: if you are going through a trial, how can you know for sure it's actually bad? We don't have foresight, we can't see what will result as a cause of this. You can take the inverse, as well, but actually I have an optimistic outlook because in my experience, things always seem to work out, and the world is built more soundly than lots of people give it credit for.
What does this have to do with my first point about people around us? This...Each one of us is completely and individual, different from everyone else. You've probably been told that since you were a child: "It's OK to be yourself." But stop and think about it for a second. Think how incredibly complex each person is.
I know that I have lived through trials and pain in my life. This of course doesn't make me unique from you, but as I have been thinking about it, this has been a journey of mine, an adventure of sorts. I don't mean to say that I enjoy pain and difficulty, or that I look forward to it, but I do enjoy learning and I enjoy challenges. But perhaps more often in life, you don't choose what will challenge you, and when that is the case, when I have the right attitude, I do look with a healthy curiosity at how I will accept and handle the challenge, and how it will help me more deeply become who I am.
I used to think that you needed to go seek another part of the world to have an adventure, but you don't. You can find challenges within yourself. Personally, I need the adventure in the world. That's why I've globe trotted, why I've lived in France, Mexico, Germany, the US, and to a lesser extent, Denmark.
Each person is a breathing archive of events, a sum of their environments but even more than that, because it is their spin on that environment. We may share the same world, but see it with our own souls.
Still, even I forget this and become selfish sometimes. I think the world revolves around me and that you are all wallpaper. It's easy for us it slip into this mode.
I'm not saying in the scheme of things we are all so small we don't really matter. I'm saying we are all priceless masterpieces, and it is the so-called "flaws" and challenges that help makes us so.
Hope all is well.
We see people so often we take them for granted and forget they are there, and that they don't see things the same way we do, sort of in the way perhaps we see our pets and forget they aren't actually human, but another species entirely. We just grow so accustomed to what's around us we fail to see the wood for the trees.
There was a wonderful and beautiful quote I read from an author I don't particularly like. I'm paraphrasing, but it goes something like this: How do you know what is happening to you is bad? I guess this mostly applies when people are having bad days, but the point remains: if you are going through a trial, how can you know for sure it's actually bad? We don't have foresight, we can't see what will result as a cause of this. You can take the inverse, as well, but actually I have an optimistic outlook because in my experience, things always seem to work out, and the world is built more soundly than lots of people give it credit for.
What does this have to do with my first point about people around us? This...Each one of us is completely and individual, different from everyone else. You've probably been told that since you were a child: "It's OK to be yourself." But stop and think about it for a second. Think how incredibly complex each person is.
I know that I have lived through trials and pain in my life. This of course doesn't make me unique from you, but as I have been thinking about it, this has been a journey of mine, an adventure of sorts. I don't mean to say that I enjoy pain and difficulty, or that I look forward to it, but I do enjoy learning and I enjoy challenges. But perhaps more often in life, you don't choose what will challenge you, and when that is the case, when I have the right attitude, I do look with a healthy curiosity at how I will accept and handle the challenge, and how it will help me more deeply become who I am.
I used to think that you needed to go seek another part of the world to have an adventure, but you don't. You can find challenges within yourself. Personally, I need the adventure in the world. That's why I've globe trotted, why I've lived in France, Mexico, Germany, the US, and to a lesser extent, Denmark.
Each person is a breathing archive of events, a sum of their environments but even more than that, because it is their spin on that environment. We may share the same world, but see it with our own souls.
Still, even I forget this and become selfish sometimes. I think the world revolves around me and that you are all wallpaper. It's easy for us it slip into this mode.
I'm not saying in the scheme of things we are all so small we don't really matter. I'm saying we are all priceless masterpieces, and it is the so-called "flaws" and challenges that help makes us so.
Hope all is well.