Lights from Salem

Musings and thoughts of a traveler and armchair linguist on his journey through the ups and downs of life.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Ben and Charles Will Be Proud

Dear Readers,

21K. 2 hours, 12 minutes, 49 seconds. For my buddies mentioned in the title, that information suffices. But for those who aren't familiar with running, I ran 13 miles in a half marathon last week. I am still sore in the knee from it. But I am proud of my results. I didn't walk one step of those hills, rocks, sand, or paves paths. I was quite out of shape for running, but I was still in shape enough from all the walking I did up in the foothills of the Andes. Also, entering the race with no pressure was a great help as well, since I had no illusions that I would win. In fact I was surprised that I was able to finish as strongly as I could.

But the highlight was not the running, it was being with the people, the other volunteers from other parts of Peru. I also got to meet several other returned volunteers from Bulgaria, Madagascar, the Dominican Republic, Honduras, and I'm not sure from where else.

No real crazy stories to tell. Everyone was safe and things went fairly smoothly. Afterwards I had to get to a meeting in another volunteer's site where we learned about gardening. Unfortunately I was a little ill during this but still managed to attend.

Afterwards it was back to my site to try to coordinate something, but July is proving hectic. Once again I am out of town for more meetings this week. And coordination on top of that is difficult with the townspeople after a local meeting failed to come together.

Oh well. It was a bit embarrassing but if you don't learn to roll with the punches, you had best scadaddle over. I step back and a sense of humor is what a person needs. I'm kind of at a point where I surrender control to this life I'm in. Might as well try to sit back and enjoy the ride.

I have more to say, and I didn't plan this to be so bare-bones, but I didn't have a chance to write this out before posting and I need to get going, so I'll try to write more next time.

Wish you all the best!


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